Clarence Holbrook Carter achieved a level of national artistic success that was nearly unprecedented among Cleveland School artists of his day, with representation by major New York dealers, scores of awards and solo exhibits, and streams of praise flowing from pens of the top art critics. Over the course of his 60+ year career Carter evolved from an exceptionally fine American Scene painter capable of evoking deep reservoirs of mood, into an abstractionist with a strongly surrealist bent.

While his two bodies of work seem at first to be worlds apart, owing to their different formal vocabularies, they, in fact, explore virtually the same subject: the nexus between life and death and the transition from earth to spirit. The early work finds its expressive power through specific people, events, and landscapes—most of which are drawn from his experiences growing up in the river town of Portsmouth, Ohio—while the later work from the 1960s on evokes potent states of being through pure flat shape, color and form that read as universals. As his primary form he adopted the ovoid or egg shape, endowing it with varying degrees of transparency. Alone or in multiples, the egg moves through Carter’s landscapes and architectural settings like a sentient spirit on a restless quest.

Born and raised in southern Ohio along the banks of the mercurial Ohio River and its treacherous floods, Carter developed a love of drawing as a child, and was encouraged by both his parents. He was self-directed, found inspiration all around him, and was strongly encouraged by the fact that his teenage work consistently captured art prizes in county and state fairs. Although money was tight after his father (who was a postal worker) died suddenly of a stroke, Carter’s mother supported his desire to study at the Cleveland School of Art from 1923-27, where he trained under painters Henry Keller, Frank Wilcox and Paul Travis.

In the summer of 1927, Carter studied in Capri with the modernist Hans Hofmann, where he carried out compositional exercises in charcoal and paint, recording the lucid spatial order of stairs, walls, roofs, arches and other elements of the island’s compressed architecture. Returning to Cleveland in 1929, Carter had his first solo show, and through Milliken taught studio classes at the Cleveland Museum of Art from 1930-37. In 1934, he worked under the auspices of the Public Works of Art Project and won a commission to paint two murals in Cleveland’s Public Auditorium. In 1936, he painted a post office mural in Ravenna, Ohio, as well as one for the post office in his hometown of Portsmouth, where his father had worked. He then headed the Northeast Ohio division of the painting projects arm of the Works Progress Administration, a subsequent government art program. In 1938, he moved to Pittsburgh to teach at the Carnegie Institute of Technology until 1944. Carter’s American Scene paintings of the ’30s and ’40s, which launched his artistic star, are the works for which the artist remains best known.

During and immediately after World War II, Clarence Carter realized his attraction to bold pattern, dramatic perspective and eye-catching hard-edged design was a poor fit with the prevailing style of Abstract Expressionism. Fortunately, these same hallmarks of his style were prized within the realm of commercial art. Thus, from 1944-1959, Carter became a veritable “Mad Man [Madison Avenue Man],” designing ambitious series of advertisements for major corporations such as Alcoa and The National City Bank of New York (Citibank) which appeared on the back covers of Fortune magazine, and on inside pages of Time, Newsweek, Business Week, and US News & World Report. Carter described this period of his life as one of incredible inventiveness and imagination. It freed him up to be far more experimental in his approach to image-making.

Around 1964 Carter acknowledged a need to break from the confines of representational painting. Once Carter had found a potent symbol in the egg, he used it to create an astounding body of imagery for the rest of his life. Among the most ambitious of all his later paintings were his Transections, a theological term meaning to cross, specifically between life and death.

Dr. Marianne Berardi

Click here to read more about Clarence Holbrook Carter

Works by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Torre di Tiberio, 1951 by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Torre di Tiberio, 1951 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Oil on Canvas Painting:

The Lady of Shalott, 1927 - SOLD Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

The Buckling House, 1928 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Watercolor on Paper Painting:

LaFonson's Pride, 1928 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Kentucky Hills, 1929 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Green House, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Railroad Avenue (Cleveland) by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Railroad Avenue (Cleveland), 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Oil on Canvas Painting:

Blonde, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Oil on Canvas Painting:

Lemons, 1933 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Still Life Oil on Canvas Painting:

Still Life with Apples, 1940 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Still Life Oil on Canvas Painting:

Hospitalities Long Past, 1941 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Oil on Canvas Painting:

Riding the Surf, 1945 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Snow in the Forest, 1945 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Watercolor on Paper Painting:

We Demand (Strike), 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Oil on Canvas Painting:

The Bird Vendor of Caracas, 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Landscape Watercolor on Paper:

Woman of Caracas, 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Oil on Canvas Painting:

Woman with Mantilla, 1948 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Squirrels in a Cage, 1949 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Gouache on Paper Painting:

Late Night Street No. 1, Study for National City Bank of New York Christmas Card, 1950 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Gouache on Paper Painting:

Late Night Street No. 2, Study for National City Bank of New York Christmas Card, 1950 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Oil on Canvas Painting:

How Many Times?, 1952 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Acrylic and Sand on Scintilla Painting:

Weight of History, 1953 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Gouache and Silver Ink on Paper Drawing:

Study for "Aluminum . . . and The National City Bank of New York", 1953 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Gouache, Watercolor and Pastel on Artist Board Painting:

Study for "Pharmaceuticals . . . and The National City Bank of New York", 1953 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Watercolor and Gouache on Paper Painting:

Study for "Meat Packing . . . and The National City Bank of New York", 1954 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Gouache and Pastel on Cardboard Painting: King Cotton, Study for Cotton

King Cotton, Study for "Cotton . . . and The National City Bank of New York", 1954 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Study for "Farm Equipment . . . and The National City Bank of New York", 1955 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Gouache and Color Pencil on Paper Painting:

Study for Cover of Modern Plastics Magazine, September 1958 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Precarious Balance No. 2, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Textured Paper Painting:

Seeing Egg, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figurative Gouache on Paper Painting:

Torso, c. 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract mixed media on paper painting:

Departing from the System, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Arrows, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Terror of History No. 1 by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Terror of History No. 1, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Rockefeller Center by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Rockefeller Center, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Oil on Canvas Painting:

Over and Above No. 8, 1963 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Animal Watercolor and Feathers on Scintilla Paper Drawing:

Over & Above Cat, “Who Me?”, 1963 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Over and Above: No. 6 by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Over and Above: No. 6, 1963 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Assemblage Sculpture:

Gear, 1964 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Oil on Canvas Painting:

Over and Above No. 15, 1964 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Monumental oil on canvas Painting:

Over and Above No. 17, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Collage, graphite and gouache on paper Painting:

Air Chamber, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Textured Paper Painting:

On the Red Line, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Paper Painting:

Balancing Act, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figural Pastel and Graphite on Texture Paper Drawing:

Leda and the Swan, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Collage, Pencil and Gouache on Paper Art piece:

Eye of the Desert, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Scintilla:

Divided, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Scintilla:

Chromatic, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Medieval Heads by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Medieval Heads, 1966 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Icon Mandala, 1967 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Torso No. 3, 1967 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract gouache on Paper Painting:

King Tut No. 2, 1968 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Mandala No. 4, 1968 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Empress of the North by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Empress of the North, 1968 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Mandala No. 15 by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Mandala No. 15, 1969 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Cardboard Painting:

Icon No. 18, 1969 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Yellow Mandala, 1969 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen on Scintilla Painting:

Red Mandala, 1969 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Painting:

White and Black Mandala, 1969 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Canvas Painting:

Yellow Mandala, c. 1970s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Drawing:

Caged, 1971 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Acrylic on Texture Paper Painting:

Fault Lines, 1971 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Seeing Reverberations by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Seeing Reverberations, 1971-79 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Transection No. 3, 1972 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Oil on Canvas Painting:

Transection No. 15, 1972 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Night Garden by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Night Garden, 1972 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Board Painting:

Chimera No. 6, 1973 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Scintilla Painting:

In the Window, 1973 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Scintilla Painting:

Ablaze, 1973-1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Pastel on Textured Paper:

Chimeras, 1974 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Acrylic on Textured Paper Painting:

Over and Above: Lion, 1974 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Collage Drawing:

It's Time, 1974 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Acrylic and Pastel on Board Painting:

Eschatos: Storming, Study for Eschatos No. 32, 1976 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen on Scintilla painting:

Green Mandala Silkscreen, 1976 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

City Scape, 1978 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Scintilla Painting:

The Mayor, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and collage on paper Painting:

Quadratic, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Collage and Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

The Gold Coast, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Canvas Painting:

The Cry, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Scintilla Painting:

Hesitant, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Painting:

Villa by the Sea, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figurative Animal Collage Art piece:

"Is that so?", 1980 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Rainbow Mandala, 1983 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Eschatos, 1983 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Acrylic and Pastel on Paper Painting:

Haunted by Memories, 1986 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Departed by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Departed, 1986 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite, White Heightening and Collage on Paper, Mounted on Board Drawing:

Oversight, 1989 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Pastel on Paper Drawing:

Waterbury Monument, 1990 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Oil on Canvas Painting:

Transection No. 2, 1991 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Pastel on Paper Drawing:

Maze, 1991 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Ovoid by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Ovoid, 1992 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Coming Storm Over Roviano, Italy, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Confederate Soldiers' Cemetery, Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio, 1929 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Sleeping Cat by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Sleeping Cat, 1929 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Performing Elephants and Seal, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Etching and Aquatint Artwork:

Aerial Performer, 1931 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Conté on Paper Drawing:

Portsmouth and Kentucky Hills, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Aquatint Drawing:

The Gathering of Grapes, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative etching and aquatint drawing:

Toilet d'une femme, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Aquatint Drawing:

Capri Cat, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Etching Drawing:

Sisters, 1934 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Still Life Etching Drawing:

Kentucky Tobacco, 1934 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Etching Drawing:

Flora, 1935 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Etching Art Piece:

Riderless Racers, 1935 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Etching and Drypoint Drawing:

Patterns of Antiquity, 1937 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Petore, Venezuela, 1944 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Watercolor and Ink on Paper Painting:

Walking Nude, 1945 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Armando Reveron, 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Reveron's Ladies, 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Macuto Mannequin, 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Collage on Paper Artwork:

In the Atmosphere, c. 1950s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Collage on Paper Artwork:

The Launch, c. 1950s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Pastel on Paper Drawing:

Foundry, c. 1950s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Gouache and Silver Ink on Paper Drawing:

Study for "Aluminum . . . and The National City Bank of New York" I, 1953 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Watercolor and gouache on Paper Painting:

Study for 'Meat Packing . . . and The National City Bank of New York', 1954 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Collage and Mixed Media on Paper Artwork:

Asteroid, 1955 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Watercolor and Gouache on Paper Painting:

Study for Modern Plastics Magazine, 1958 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract acrylic and collage on scintilla Painting:

Pinnacle, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract acrylic on textured paper Painting:

Double Ovoids with Blue and Black, 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Cicada by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Cicada, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Graphite on Scintilla Painting:

Study for Math Man No. 4, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Collage Artwork:

Christmas in Space, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Ninth Hour by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Ninth Hour, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Study for 'The Victim', 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Figurative Oil on Paper Painting:

Dichotomy, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Painted wood and egg carton sculpture relief Sculpture:

Projective No. 1, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Painted wood and egg carton sculpture relief Sculpture:

Projective No. 3, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

In and Out, 1963 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Figurative Mixed Media on Cardboard Drawing:

Over and Above: Cicada, 1963 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Ink and Crayon on Paper Drawing:

People, 1964 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figurative Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

St. Francis Before the Cross, 1964 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Scintilla Painting:

Seeing Egg No. 2, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acryllic and Collage on Textured Paper Painting:

Vetriculus Egg, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Gouache on Scintilla Painting:

Peering Out, Study for Medieval Heads, c. 1966 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Torso No. 1, 1967 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Torso No. 5, 1967 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figurative Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Torso No. 3 (I), 1967 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Torso No. 4, 1967 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Mandala No. 5, 1968 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Green and Red Mandala, 1969 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Silver and Black Mandala, 1969 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen on Scintilla Print:

Green Mandala, 1969 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Expanding Mandala, c. 1970s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Illustration Board Painting:

Reverberations, 1970 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Green Orb No. 2, c. 1970s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen on Scintilla Print:

Green Mandala, 1970 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen on Scintilla Print:

Blue Mandala Silkscreen, 1970 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Reverberations, 1971 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Joseph and his Brothers, 1971 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Transection No. 3, 1973 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figurative Collage Artwork:

John Bunyon in Bedford Jail - 1667, 1975 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Green Mandala, 1976 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

The Burning Bush, 1977 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Silkscreen Print:

Eschatos 23, 1977 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Silkscreen Print:

Sunset, 1977 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Tulip, 1977 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Eschatos No. 18, 1977 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Abstract Tulip, 1978 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Ninth Hour by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Ninth Hour, 1978 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Fiery Furnace, 1978 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Lithograph Print:

Outside the Limits, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Lithograph Print:

Maidenhead Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Paper Painting:

Up the Avenue, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Lithograph Print:

The Clowns Making Up, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Highway, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Watcher, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Landscape Silkscreen Print:

Carousel by the Sea, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Print:

Eschatos No. 21, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Lithograph Print:

Homestead, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figurative Silkscreen Painting:

Two Acrobats, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and graphite on board Painting:

Transection with Architectural Forms, c. 1980s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Collage Artwork:

Procession, c. 1980s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Lithograph Print:

The Flood, 1981 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Cardboard Painting:

Maze, 1982 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Pastel on Paper Drawing:

Study for 'Haunted by Memories', 1986 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

The Way Out, 1992 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Circus Figure Sketch, c. 1920 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Carousel, Study , c. 1920 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Circus Acrobat, c. 1920s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Eating Alone, 1924 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite on Paper Drawing:

"Fire Out the Window of a John Huntington Classroom", 1926 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Pastel on Paper Drawing:

Anticoli at Night, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite and Conté Crayon on Paper Painting:

Woman Spinning, Anticoli Corrado, Italy, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Charcoal on Paper Drawing:

The Water Carrier, Anticoli Corrado, Italy, c. 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Charcoal on Paper Drawing:

Composition Capri, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Charcoal on Paper Drawing:

Steps and Vineyard, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Conté Crayon and Ink on Paper Drawing:

Donkey, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Conversazione, Anticoli Corrado, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Anticoli Corrado, Italy, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Ink and Conté Crayon on Paper Drawing:

Mother and Child, c. 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Study for Stairwell at the Cleveland School of Art, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Still Life Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Study for Hat Display on the Rue Grammont, Paris, 1928 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Study for 'Lafonson's Pride', 1928 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Study for “The Patient Cow” by Clarence Holbrook Carter

Study for “The Patient Cow”, 1928 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor and Gouache on Paper Painting:

Monument to Kossuth, 1929 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Tunisian and Mexican Girl, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Still Life Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Tobacco Plant Study, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Circus Performers, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Circus Horses, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Couples at Diner, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Café Scene, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Study for Sphinx, c. 1930's Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Portrait Drawing:

Theodore Roosevelt in Pith Helmet, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Charcoal and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Standing Nude, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Gathered at the Table, Study for "Let Us Give Thanks", 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Conductor, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Line Out of Boat, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

The Mourners, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Circus Horse, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Reclining Nude, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Mother and Child, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Conté Crayon on Paper Drawing:

Lake George Steamer, 1931 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Conté Crayon on Paper Drawing:

Summer Night, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Conté Crayon on Paper Drawing:

Fence and Corn Crib, Chillicothe, Ohio, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Reclining Nude I, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Three Studies for 'Trapeze Artists', 1933 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Conté Crayon on Paper Drawing:

Study for Mummers, 1933 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Pencil on Paper Drawing:

Jack Greitzer at the Palmer House, Chicago World's Fair, 1933 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Portrait Graphite on Paper:

'Give Us This Day', Self-Portrait Study for Let Us Give Thanks, 1933 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Charcoal on Paper Drawing:

Standing Nude, 1934 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Pen and Ink Wash on Paper Drawing:

Standing Nude I, 1934 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor and Gouache on Paper Painting:

At Sea, 1935 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite and Conté Crayon on Paper Drawing:

Lake Superior Locks, 1935 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

On Board the Fink, 1935 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Conté Crayon and Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Standing Nude, 1935 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Graphite on Paper:

Drawings for Entrance Hall of William M. Milliken at Wade Park Manor, No. 1-3, 1938 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Conté Crayon and Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Torso, 1940 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite and Conté Crayon on Paper Drawing:

Seated Nude, 1940 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Race Horse and Jockey, c. 1940s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Woman on Train, c. 1940s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Commuters , 1940 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Waiting for the Train, c. 1940s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Conté Crayon and Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Standing Nude, c. 1940s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Conté Crayon and Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Standing Nude, 1940 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Men, 1940 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite and Conté Crayon on Paper Drawing:

Reclining Torso, 1941 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Woman Gathering Coal, Study for Jane Reed and Dora Hunt, 1941 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Conté Crayon and Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Standing Nude, 1941 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite and Conté Crayon on Blue Paper Drawing:

Seated Nude, 1941 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Sketch:

Sketch for "Jane Reed and Dora Hunt", 1941 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Finished Study for "Jane Reed and Dora Hunt", 1941 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Store Interior - Suriname, 1944 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Carousel Sketch, c. 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Sketch for 'Circus Performer', 1947 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Radiation Room at Sloan Kettering, 1947 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Ohio River Boat, 1949 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Working in the Sun, 1949 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Angel, c. 1950s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite on Tracing Paper Drawing:

Powerlines No. 1, Study for 'Communications . . . and The National City Bank of New York', c. 1950's Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite on Tracing Paper Drawing:

Powerlines No. 2, Study for "Communications . . . and The National City Bank of New York", c. 1950's Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Calisthenics, c. 1950s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite, Colored Pencil and Watercolor on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Study for an Atom, c. 1950s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Sketch:

Study for Late Night Street No. 2, National City Bank of New York Christmas Card, c. 1950 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Communication, 1951 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Study for 'Shipping . . . and The National City Bank of New York', 1953 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Yellow Geometries, 1953 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Study for "Glass . . . and The National City Bank of New York", 1953 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite on Tracing Paper Drawing:

Semi-Trucks, The National City Bank of New York, c. 1955 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite and Weight Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Manhattan View, 1955 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite on Tracing Paper Drawing:

Pipelines, 1955 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Volcano, Taormina, 1956 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Study for "Black Diamonds, The National City Bank of New York", c. 1956 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Crucifix, 1957 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Gouache on Paper Painting:

Study for "Splendid in Ashes" Book Cover for The Viking Press, 1958 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Gouache on Cardboard Painting:

Flag Stripes No. 1, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Gouache on Cardboard Painting:

Flag Stripes No. 2, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Looking in Different Directions, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Colored Pencil on Paper Drawing:

Over and Above: Fish Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Acrylic on Paper Mounted on Matte Board Painting:

Over and Above: Kangaroo, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Study for Triptych, 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Neon Ovoids, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Transection in Red and Green, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on textured Paper Painting:

Triple Balance: Red and Black, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Study for Triptych Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

J.F.K. Election Sketch, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figurative Colored Pencil and Ink on Paper Drawing:

'There is Always a Division Divided' Clarence Holbrook Carter

Still Life Colored Pencil on Paper Drawing:

J.F.K. Election, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Figurative Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Astronaut, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Sun, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Mixed Media on Scintilla Painting:

Romanesque, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and Watercolor on Paper Drawing:

Eggs and Flags, J.F.K. Election Sketch, c. 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Over and Above Study: Fish I, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Gray Paper Drawing Sketch:

Over and Above Study: Fish, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Over and Above Study: Mountain Goat, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Gray Paper Drawing Sketch:

Over and Above Study: Mouse, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Atlas Shrugged, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Spiral Staircase, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Top of the Stairs, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Animal Graphite on Gray Paper Drawing:

Over and Above Study: Squirrel, c. 1960s Clarence Holbrook Carter

The Astronaut by Clarence Holbrook Carter

The Astronaut, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Scintilla Paper Painting:

Volcano and Arch, Taormina, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Textured Paper Painting:

Volcanic Eruption, Taormina, c. 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Watercolor on Paper Painting:

Sun, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Monument No. 2, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Planting Tobacco, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Colored Pencil on Paper Drawing:

Highway sketchcard, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Architectural Sketches I, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Architectural Sketches, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Study for Dichotomy, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Study for Terror of History No. 4 (The Bird That Hatched The Egg of Experience), 1963 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite and Colored Chalk on Scintilla Paper:

Device, 1963 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Cardboard Drawing:

Sketch for St. Francis Before the Cross, 1964 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:

Double Ovoids with Green and Brown, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Paper Painting:

Confined, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Gray Eggs, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Triple Balance: Black, Red and Blue Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Tarantula Study, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Casein on Board Painting:

Over and Above Surprise (Serpent), 1967 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Vetriculus, c. 1970s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Acrylic on Paper Painting:

Ascending Eggs, c. 1970s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and White Heightening Drawing:

Transection Study, c. 1970's Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite, White Heightening and Colored Pencil on Paper Drawing:

Amidst the Maze, 1970 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Zebra Man, 1970 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Studies on Perspective, c. 1970s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and Colored Pencil on Paper Drawing:

Hiding, 1970 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Acrylic on Paper Drawing:

Deer, 1971 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Animal Colored Pencil on Paper Drawing:

Pappy (Study for Over and Above: Gorilla),, c. 1973 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Charcoal and Chalk on Paper Drawing:

In Glory No. 1, 1973 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite on Paper, Mounted on Cardboard Drawing:

Study for Eschatos No. 6, 1973 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Silkscreen Painting:

Flaming Mandala Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Transection No. 24 after Perugino, 1975 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Pastel and Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Study for Transection No. 26, 1976 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Charcoal on Paper Drawing:

Transection: Crypts, 1976 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Pastel on Board Drawing:

Entr'acte, 1977 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite, Collage and white heightening on illustration board drawing:

David and Bathsheba, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and Colored Pencil on Paper Drawing:

Study for Visitation No. 1, 1980 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite, Collage and White Heightening on Illustration Board Drawing:

Study for Worlds Beyond I, 1980 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Visitation, 1980 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite, Collage and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Study for Worlds Beyond, 1980 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract graphite, white heightening and collage on paper drawing:

Study for Release, 1980 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite on Paper Drawing:

Study for Departure, 1981 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Abstract Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Study for Aspiration, 1982 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and White Heightening on Illustration Board Painting:

Study for Maze, 1982 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite on Paper Sketch:

Study for Labyrinthine, 1982 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Pastel on Paper Drawing:

Study for Twin Towers, 1984 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Acrylic and Oil Crayon on Paper Painting:

In the Courtyard, 1985 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and Ink on Scintilla Drawing:

Study for Transection No. 1, c. 1970, 1986 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Cardboard Painting:

The Visitor, No.1, 1986 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:

The Visitor, No. 2, 1986 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Cardboard Painting:

Balcony, 1986 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Graphite on Paper Drawing Sketch:

Surveying the Ramparts, 1986 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:

Transection with Stairs, c. 1990 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite on Illustration Board Drawing:

Sketch for Maze, 1991 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Colored Foil on Texture Paper Painting:

Triple Balance: Foiled, 1993 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Adam and Eve, 1926 by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Adam and Eve, 1926 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Plums, 1930 by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Plums, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Market Scene, Italy  by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Market Scene, Italy , 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Siena Steps by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Siena Steps, 1928 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Chemung Valley, New York by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Chemung Valley, New York, 1929 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Winter Harvest by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Winter Harvest Clarence Holbrook Carter

Winter Cornfield by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Winter Cornfield Clarence Holbrook Carter

Evening Woods by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Evening Woods Clarence Holbrook Carter

Winter Sunflower by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Winter Sunflower Clarence Holbrook Carter

Sphinx by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Sphinx Clarence Holbrook Carter

Cold Night by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Cold Night, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:


Elmira Star Barn, 1931 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Gas is Cheap by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Gas is Cheap, 1931 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Oil on Canvas Painting:


Mary Anne Moore, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Mathilde by Clarence Holbrook Carter by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Mathilde, 1935 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Watercolor on Paper Painting:


Subzero, Cleveland, 1939 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Oil on Canvas Painting:


Pensive Girl (Phyllis), 1941 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Model Tobacco by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Model Tobacco, 1941 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Island Street by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Island Street, 1945 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Oil on Canvas Painting:


Young Farmer, 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Minervas by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Minervas, 1947 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Office Files and City View by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Office Files and City View Clarence Holbrook Carter

Crow Scarecrow by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Crow Scarecrow, 1951 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Watercolor and Graphite on Paper Painting:


Study for "Paper . . . and The National City Bank of New York", 1952 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Over and Above: Parrot by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Over and Above: Parrot Clarence Holbrook Carter

Fall Serenity, Lukewarm by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Fall Serenity, Lukewarm Clarence Holbrook Carter

Day's Catch  by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Day's Catch , 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Fisherman by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Fisherman, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Mixed Media on Paper Drawing:


Radioactive, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Guardian Angel by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Guardian Angel, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Dichotomy II by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Dichotomy II, 1962 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Construction, Torso by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Construction, Torso, 1964 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Construction, Box by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Construction, Box, 1964 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Over and Above No. 13 by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Over and Above No. 13, 1964 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Torso, Black and White by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Torso, Black and White, 1964 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Nun by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Nun, 1965 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Still life Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:


Still Life with Watermelon, 1968 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:


Blue Mandala, 1970 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Transection with Red Heart by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Transection with Red Heart, 1972 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Canvas Painting:


Icon Cruciferon, 1972-73 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Scintilla Painting:


Transection, 1972 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Landscape Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:


Eschatos No. 16, 1973 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Watercolor on Pastel Painting:


Following, 1973 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Eschatos No. 32 by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Eschatos No. 32, 1974 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Oil on Canvas Painting:


Eschatos, 1974 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Transection by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Transection, 1975 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Untitled, Eschatos by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Untitled, Eschatos, 1976 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Balancing Act by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Balancing Act, 1978 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Release by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Release, 1980 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Paper Painting:


Study for Surveillance, 1981 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Intrigue by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Intrigue, 1982 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Study for Sentinels 'B' by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Study for Sentinels 'B', 1985 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Transection by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Transection, 1991 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Mule in a Landscape by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Mule in a Landscape, 1928 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Olive Trees, Capri by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Olive Trees, Capri, 1932 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Dog Sleeping under a bed by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Dog Sleeping under a bed, 1933 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Acrylic on Paper Artwork:


Study for Office Files and City View, c. 1950s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Torso by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Torso Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Watercolor on Scintilla Painting:


Bird Woman, 1960 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative acrylic, watercolor and ink on paper Painting:


Torso, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Unique by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Unique, 1970 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:


Transection, 1978 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic on Scintilla Painting:


Transection I, 1978 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Still Life Watercolor on Paper Painting:


Bottles and Beakers, 1923 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Siena  by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Siena , 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Forms Capri by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Forms Capri, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Mountains, Italy by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Mountains, Italy, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Anticoli-Corrado, Italy VI by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Anticoli-Corrado, Italy VI, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Vittorio Pagano Terrace, Capri, Italy by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Vittorio Pagano Terrace, Capri, Italy, 1927 Clarence Holbrook Carter

The Plumed Hat by Clarence Holbrook Carter


The Plumed Hat, 1930 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Graphite on Paper Drawing:


Circus Girl, c. 1930s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Jack Greitzer and William M. Milliken  by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Jack Greitzer and William M. Milliken , 1933 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Outside Cleveland by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Outside Cleveland, 1933 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Nude Forward Thrust #76 by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Nude Forward Thrust #76, 1936 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Ohio River Flood of 1937 by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Ohio River Flood of 1937, 1937 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Box Car by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Box Car, 1943 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Figurative Watercolor on Paper Painting:


Acrobat, 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

'Picking Oranges in Florida' by Clarence Holbrook Carter


'Picking Oranges in Florida', 1946 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Sand on Scintilla Painting:


Orb with Green, Blue, Purple, and Gold, c. 1950s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Sketch for Washington Cover by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Sketch for Washington Cover Clarence Holbrook Carter

Girls in Washington DC by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Girls in Washington DC Clarence Holbrook Carter

Washington by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Washington Clarence Holbrook Carter

Washington Monument by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Washington Monument Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:


Industrial Roller, Study for War Bride, 1953 Clarence Holbrook Carter

'I Lost My Head Over Something' by Clarence Holbrook Carter


'I Lost My Head Over Something' Clarence Holbrook Carter

Study for Fisherman by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Study for Fisherman, 1961 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Finished Study for Over and Above: Lion by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Finished Study for Over and Above: Lion, c. 1970s Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Acrylic and Collage on Paper Painting:


Egg and Heart (Valentine's Day Card), c. 1978 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite, Collage and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:


Looking Within, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite Collage and White Heightening on Cardboard Painting:


Susanna and the Elders, 1979 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Graphite and White Heightening on Paper Drawing:


Study for Visitation No. 2, 1980 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Transection Study, 1981 by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Transection Study, 1981, 1981 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Abstract Landscape Pastel and Watercolor on Paper Painting:


Ghosts, 1986 Clarence Holbrook Carter

Study for Geistes Ende by Clarence Holbrook Carter


Study for Geistes Ende, 1989 Clarence Holbrook Carter