WOLFS is proud to present an exhibition of paintings and drawings by two of Cleveland’s very finest artists of the 20thc, Clarence Holbrook Carter and Carl Frederick Gaertner. Drawn from the estates of both artists, and an endorsement of the thriving art market in Cleveland, WOLFS is pleased to be able to show the selections included in this exhibition. Many of the works included have not been seen or exhibited previously, including many drawings and studies by Carter, which are a delight to pour over.

Gaertner, as a master of the American scene, depicted America’s evolution from working the land to its industrial greatness, while Carter’s work, planted in the American soil, grows into mesmerizing scenes derived deep from the human psyche.
Exhibiting the works of these two artists is a joy, as both men were masters at creating mood, beauty and a transcendental majesty sometimes so compelling that many of the works leave you in awe.
While many painters achieved acclaim during their lifetime, years need to pass before we know which artists will stand the test of time. In this case we benefit from a retrospective of Carter and Gaertner’s work as time has certainly helped us more profoundly appreciate their works.
The majority of the works in the show are by Clarence Carter, whose estate we are fortunate to represent. Seemingly more scarce to Cleveland than Gaertner in recent times, these works will offer the viewer a complete overview of Carter’s career, and an opportunity for collectors to own striking original works.
Carter as an artist was entirely his own man, and was completely focused from a young age on making a life as an artist. From the early part of his career when he travelled to Italy to study with Hans Hoffmann he is quoted as saying, “ I was always rebelling against instruction. I liked to strike out on my own. . . . I wanted to be on my own and express what I was seeing and feeling.” It is evident from the works in this exhibition that not only was Clarence Carter immensely talented, but that he also maintained his own visual vocabulary, which imbued in his works a luminous, otherworldly hyper-focus.
While Gaertner’s early death leaves us unable to fathom how his style would have evolved during the momentous changes of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, Carter’s long life allows us to follow his artistic path from realism to precisionism, to surrealism and to his own brand of modernism in the form of his later works, which maintain his adherence to representational images and structure.
Exhibition opens Friday April 24th, with a reception from 6-8 pm and continues through June at WOLFS 13010 Larchmere Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44120