Thank you Steve Litt for once again shedding your very dim light on one of Cleveland's greatest artists. Last time you tried hard to diminish Carl Gaertner resulting in a swell of attendance through our Cleveland School exhibition. Now you pick on Ken Nevadomi, whom you have targeted before, hopefully with the same result for the much deserved AAWR. The exhibition is a profound slice of Nevadomi’s brilliant career, artfully hung and clearly beyond your grasp. Or, perhaps you simply enjoy expounding on lurid details to the detriment of each composition while ignoring Nevadomi’s mastery of form and color.
You’ve worked hard to earn your place as the Darth Vader of Cleveland’s Arts community.

Michael Wolf

Creepy ambiguities, sexual tensions, pervade provocative show of Ken Nevadomi paintings at Artists Archives of the Western Reserve

By Steven Litt,



Attacking the A&P II by Ken Nevadomi

Ken Nevadomi, Attacking the A&P II, 1976, Acrylic on canvas