Suzanne Eisendieck was born in Danzig (now Gdansk, Poland) in 1908 where she went to study at the Academie des Beaux-Arts, later living in Berlin where she held her first exhibition. She came to Paris and began immediately to show her works which found a wide market because of their unique execution, coupled with a concept and a style always original and highly personal. Her impressionist style involves almost tremulous brushstrokes, diffusing the subject's contours.
She has long been famous for her depictions of the girl at a ball, a young woman strolling in the garden, or her children at the seashore. The whole world has come to recognize the identity of her characterizations which became tradition. Whether painting her favorite theme of mother and child in various settings, a landscape with figures, clowns, or flowers - she maintains a remarkable standard of creativity.
Her 'Monet' ladies continue in popularity and Suzanne Eisendieck and her late husband Dietz Edzard, the important impressionist who died in 1963, remain celebrated as two of the greatest exponents of that part of the School of Paris capturing the ultimate in French glamour. She had lived in Paris on the Left Bank in a large apartment hung with impressionist paintings which reflect her own taste and her great success.
Suzanne Eisendieck is recorded in E. Benezit, "Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs, et Graveurs," which notes that she has been exhibiting in Paris since 1929 at the Salon des Independants. She died in 1998.